Editorial Roles

PBJ’s editorial staff consists entirely of University of Pennsylvania undergraduates. There are currently 30 Associate Editors, 6 Managing Editors, 1 Events Coordinator, 1 Publisher, and 2 Co Editors-in-Chief on PBJ’s staff.

Associate Editors

Associate Editors are a large part of the peer-editing process. Along with the Managing Editors, they review the papers submitted to the Journal and vote on which ones to accept. They also participate in the various committees PBJ has to offer.

Managing Editors

Managing Editors lead clusters where papers are peer-reviewed and discussed. They play a large organizational role and help plan both social and academic events. They work closely with the authors to implement agreed upon revisions to their papers, and lead committees for Associate Editors.

Events Coordinator

The Events Coordinator is the head of bioethics outreach and events for the Journal. They are in charge of coordinating launch events and bioethics conversations hosted by the journal. The Events Coordinator also helps with outreach and interviews conducted by the Journal and works closely with the Managing Editors and the Editors-in-Chief to oversee this process.


The Publisher is the head of the design for the Journal. They are in charge of the layout of the biannual issues and oversee the entire publication process. The Publisher also helps with distribution of the Journal and works closely with the Managing Editors and the Editor-in-Chief to oversee this process.


The Editor-in-Chief oversees all proceedings of the Journal. They work closely in communicating with the submission authors and the Managing Editors, and plan lectures, socials, and discussion sessions. The Editor-in-Chief also takes care of a lot of logistical aspects of the Journal including finances, and leads the General Body Meeting where the Journal decides which submissions will be published.